
Siapa Aku

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~a tiny little person with big inspiration~

My new part TiMe

Friday, April 19, 2013

think out of the box

Berfikir di luar kotak.
Ramai orang suka cakap pasal fikir luar kotak.
memula bila tgk ayat ni, aku masih lagi samar2.
okla.makna memang selalu dijelaskan.kena pk differently tapi salu terpikir kenapa luar kotak.
Tiba2 pagi tadi dapatla gambar ni.
Circulated by one of my friend.

then terus rasa mcm faham maksud thinking out of the box.
ok.put ourself inside the box.
for sure kita akan tengok benda tu dari satu sudut jer.
samada kita nampak segiempat atau nampak bulat.
sbb kita tak boleh nampak keseluruhan imej.
tapi bila kita keluar dari kotak tu, barulah kita dapat 3D image.
rupanya objek yang kita lihat tu silinder.

so by putting our self out of the box, we are able to know the truth.
and also we get the whole view of it.
and for sure it is much better.

one more important thing: DON'T TRY TO BE JUDGEMENTAL.

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