
Siapa Aku

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~a tiny little person with big inspiration~

My new part TiMe

Saturday, April 10, 2010

piss off!!!

semalam..hari yang betul2 buat aku marah dan not sure whether im crying because im really mad or because im sad or maybe both.thats why i didn't wrote this yesterday since im in angry mood and im afraid there are some words that should not be said.
i know, maybe i did wrong for make those decision, because im the one who desired that but have you ever know that i already thought about it for more than 2years..have u ever know that i've be patient for so long..and i did try to make things better but sometimes things just not going our way because Allah know the best for us..
i did't said that i did no wrong or i'm perfectly innocent but u should not make an assumption or said im done an immatured action..where did u get that?and u just met me for one week virtually after 15years and dare u said just feeling very2 sad..
did u ever know what's my problem?i don't think so because u had never ask me..and what u only now is just give a statement that hurting me so much..presume that i never thought about my child future, or i never sympathy my son because i made those decision..
HELLOOOOOO!!!who knows my situation better?u or me?
and who knows better for my son?u or me?none of us but Allah...u have to know that..did u think i done that without thinking, without praying, without trying?u are definitely wrong!!so before u done such of that over perihatin advice, do make some research, find the evidence and then u can say what u want!!!
ermm..i don't know whether im frustrated or what..its lucky that u r my schoolmate otherwise maybe u get some harsh words from used to be a person that doesn't care much BUT u should know from the beginning that there's a line separate us and if u cross the line, i will not act the same..

and satu hal lagi, kepada other party tu tolongla nilai diri anda dulu...jangan la cerita benda2 yang tak perlu..ko pun tahu apa sebab aku amik keputusan ni..dan ko sendiri tahu apa yg ko dah buat menyebabkan aku amik keputusan ni..ko tahu baper banyak peluang aku dah bagi pd ko tapi ko sia siakan..sebab ko rasa aku takkan pergi dari hidup ko kan???but i did!!and ko pun tak kisah sbnrnya sbb ko pun lagik suka tolong la betulkan status anda supaya semua org tak tanya aku or just make assumption yg aku ni lah paling jahat dalam dunia..wake up man!!apa lagi ko nak supaya blh menyusahkan aku..sekarang u got the freedom to flirt around so go man!kalau ikutkan hati aku, memang aku nak jer sumpah2 ko tapi sebab ko tu ada kena mengena dgn anak aku, aku sabarkan jugak diri aku..ko tahu tak??anak ko tak suka ko or tanak ko bukan sbb aku yang ajar tapi sbb hati ko tuh dan sifat ko yg dia nilai diri sendiri..aku tak kisah ko nak citer apa pada kawan2 ko tuh, biarlah kalau org nak kata aku jahat, aku la yg tak tahu hargai ko yg lemah lembut suka ketawa DEPAN ORANG, suka tolong orang lain terutama perempuan...tapi ko kena ingat Allah lebih tahu apa yang ko buat..allah lebih tahu apa yg ada dalam hati aku..hope we can pretend not knowing each other because that is much better..thank u!!

PS: to encik and others..thanx for protecting me and give some words that make me happy..i luv u all!!

1 comment:

@reLong said...

Hye kak..sabar bnyk2 ye..
yup..kdg2 sperti yg kT lihat..ada stegah org tu..dpn org pijak smut pn hanye family sndiri je tau..

my mom pn mcm akak (if kT btl)
n my dad pn suka wat fitnah kat mak kT ckp bukan2 kat suma org..

Ktorg sbg anak sokong mak nk wat mcm mane..kami jnis xsuka nk myumpah seranah or balas ape yg dia wat kat kami..cuma kami bdoa smoga dia cpat la insaf dgn perbuatan dia..

n smoga dia akn trima ape yg telah dia lakukan selama ni..